MS-OFFICE Champion Questions

                              AISECT  SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE     TOTAL MARK:70                                                                             TIME:1 Hr 30 mnts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


                         MS -WORD

Create a professional report layout in MS Word following these specifications:

  1. Document Title & Cover Page:

    • Insert a title at the center of the first page: “Annual Financial Summary Report”.
    • Design a professional cover page with your name, date, and company logo (use SmartArt or Shapes to design a mock logo).
  2. Table of Contents:

    • Insert an automated Table of Contents for the document, linked to appropriate headings.
  3. Headers and Footers:

    • Create a custom header containing the document title on the left and the page number on the right.
    • In the footer, add your name aligned to the left and the current date aligned to the right.
  4. Text Formatting & Styles:

    • Use Heading 1 for section titles and Heading 2 for subsections.
    • Ensure proper text formatting (font size, style, and color) for all headings and paragraphs.
  5. Advanced Features:

    • Insert a section break after the cover page and a new section break for each main section.
    • In the second section, create a three-column layout for the main content and balance the columns equally.
    • Add a page border to the last page only (which contains a conclusion).
    • Insert a hyperlink within the document linking to the “Conclusion” section.
    • Use Track Changes to suggest edits for one of the paragraphs and save the document showing the markup.
                                     MS- EXCEL
  • 1) You have a list of student names and their marks in three subjects (Math, Science, English). Apply conditional formatting to:
    • Highlight the cells where a student's score is below 40 in red.
    • Highlight cells where a student's total score is above 250 (out of 300) in green.
  • 2) You have a list of expenses, categorized under "Food", "Transport", "Entertainment", and "Miscellaneous" in one column and the corresponding amounts in another column.Write a formula using SUMIF to calculate the total amount spent on "Food".
  • 3) Use TODAY() to show the current date in one cell.In another cell, write a formula that shows the number of days remaining until a future event (like  Dasahera).                                                                                                                        POWERPOINT  
  • Create a slide with three images.Make each image clickable with a hyperlink that takes you to a different slide in the presentation.Add an action button at the bottom of the slides that allows users to return to the original slide with the images.

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